Below are general range rules for Routt County Rifle Club and rules for the individual ranges. Please read and become familiar with the rules and regulations for every range before using any of the ranges.

Keycard Policies

  • While at the Range, you are under surveillance at all times. Please behave accordingly.
  • Range Access is by keycard only. Hold your keycard to the keypad (on your left at Range entrance, facing Highway 40) to open the barrier arm.
    • If you have any technical difficulty with your keycard, contact Keegan Rogan. Do not try to force or tamper with the barrier arm in any way.
    • Your keycard will allow Range Access between the hours of 6:00AM and 10:00PM. The range is closed at night.
  • If you lose your keycard, contact Keegan Rogan.
    • There will be a $50 replacement card fee.
  • Your keycard may be shared between family members listed in your online member profile.
    • Only immediate family members living under the same roof are eligible for family membership coverage.
    • One keycard will be issued per membership.
  • You may bring up to 3 guests to the Range.
    • You must accompany them to the Range and let them in with your keycard.
    • You may not loan out your keycard to friends or family members not covered under your membership.
  • Violation of these policies may result in the suspension or revocation of your membership.

General Range Rules

  1. All projectiles fired on the outdoor ranges must come to rest on RCRC property. Any violation of this rule may result in expulsion.
  2. Do not shoot or harm any wildlife on any of the ranges. Club officials will deal with predators and pests. Any member violating this rule is subject to expulsion.
  3. Outdoor range shooting hours are from Sunrise to Sunset.
  4. Indoor range shooting hours are from 7AM to 10PM.
  5. The pistol ranges on the far southeast edge of the property, adjacent to M&M Auto, are CLOSED Monday through Friday.
  6. Eye and ear protection must be worn at all times when engaged in shooting activities.
  7. Be courteous and use common sense when using club facilities!
  8. Firearm safety is our absolute priority and EACH AND EVERY MEMBER'S RESPONSIBILITY!
  9. Full automatic (Class 3) weapons are prohibited.
  10. Any person under the age of 18 must be supervised at all times.
  11. When a Range Officer is present, you must respond to his or her directions immediately.
  12. Anyone refusing to leave RCRC property at the direction of a Range Officer or an RCRC Board Member will be considered trespassing.
  13. No alcohol or illicit drugs are allowed on the range. Alcohol is only permitted during special activities which have been approved by the RCRC Board. Anyone appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be allowed on club property.
  14. Please report any problems to a Range Officer or any member of the Board of Directors.
  15. In an emergency contact the Routt County Sheriff's Office at 970-879-1090
  16. Additional rules applying to specific ranges are posted on each range. It is your responsibility to read and comply with them when using range facilities.
  17. Exceptions to these rules must be approved by the RCRC Board of Directors and may fall under the 'Rent the Range' clause if any exception is granted.

Revised and Approved: March 2005

The Routt County Rifle Club, Inc. Board of Directors

Shooting Events Rules

When organized events are held at the Range, the Range is classified as a "COLD RANGE." A Cold Range means:

  1. That any, and I mean ANY, firearms at the Range will be unloaded firearms. If you enter the Range with a concealed firearm on your person, you are to go directly to the Rifle Bay (designated as a Safety Berm), remove the firearm from your person, unload the firearm, and then separate from your person, holster or bag that unloaded firearm.
  2. Only, and I mean ONLY, in the Start Box and upon the direction of the RO may you load your firearm.
  3. You may only exit the Start Box after the RO has cleared you to do so. If it is necessary for you to retrieve something from outside the Start Box before you have finished your stage/strings, the RO either has to clear you ("unload, show clear, slide forward, hammer down, holster") or you may be escorted under RO control.
  4. The ONLY time your unloaded firearm may be removed from your holster to be placed in its bag, or from its bag to be placed in your holster, is at the designated Safety Berms (marked at each berm) or in the Start Box under the supervision of an RO.
  5. Ammo and magazines may be handled anywhere at the Range, EXCEPT at the Safety Berms. Your holstered (pocketed) loaded magazines may stay with you at the Safety Berms, but they MUST REMAIN unhandled in the Safety Berm. NO SNAP CAPS, NO DUMMY AMMO. The only ammo at a Safety Berm MUST be in a holstered or pocketed magazine, which is to remain in the holster or in the pocket.
  6. ALL gunsmith adjustments, ALL dry-firing, and ALL practice draws can ONLY be done in the Safety Berm.
  7. Sight Pictures may be done once you are directed into the Start Box, and ONLY under the supervision of the RO.

Shotgun Range Rules

  1. Eye and ear protection are required on all shooters.
  2. Actions open and gun unloaded at all times unless you are at a shooting station preparing to call for a target.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot.
  4. Be sure your gun's barrel and action are clear of obstructions.
  5. Be sure you have only the correct gauge ammunition for the gun you are shooting on your person while shooting.
  6. Control the direction of your shotgun's muzzle at all times.
  7. Obey all range commands promptly; if a cease-fire is called, open your action and unload your gun immediately.
  8. Watch your background - do not shoot toward trees or at trap houses.
  9. Automated traps may only be used when a club member certified in their operation is present and assisting.
  10. Learn and observe range etiquette and procedures for trap, skeet, and five stand.
  11. Move out beyond the skeet range and trap house to hand throw targets; all hand thrown targets must be biodegradable.
  12. Shoot at clay targets only in the shotgun range area.
  13. Maximum shot size allowed is #71/2; use lead shot only.
  14. No rifle or handgun fire is allowed in the shotgun range area.
  15. Pick up your hulls and trash - especially in the mowed grass area.
  16. Control your dog at all times - this is your responsibility.
  17. All patterning must be done on the pattern board only.

Rifle Range Rules

  1. Eye and ear protection must be worn on all ranges.
  2. All projectiles fired on the outdoor ranges must come to rest on range property. Violation of this rule may result in immediate expulsion.
  3. Keep your muzzle pointed down range at all times. Never let your muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target and you have made the decision to shoot.
  4. Before you go down range, place your unloaded firearm on the bench with the action open and magazine removed. Make sure the actions on all guns are open and free of all ammunition before going down range. Before going down range, yell “Is the line safe?" If you do not get a “yes” from all shooters, do not go down range.
  5. Never carry any firearm down range. Leave all firearms at the firing line, in a completely safe and unloaded condition.
  6. Never touch your firearm while you are at the firing line if someone is down range. Wait until everyone has returned to the benches and behind the firing line. If there are two or more shooters are on the rifle range, verbally confirm that the “Range is Hot” before touching your firearm.
  7. Never move forward of the firing line to shoot a target.
  8. Never remove a loaded gun from the firing line. If you have a malfunction, keep the muzzle pointed down range and clear your malfunction on the firing line.
  9. Shooting a handgun from a holster is not allowed on the rifle range. All pistol shooting from a holster must be conducted on the pistol ranges.
  10. Do not shoot or harm any wildlife on any of the ranges. Club officials and range officers will deal with predators and pests. Any member violating this rule will be expelled from the club immediately.
  11. Only fire at paper and club owned steel gong targets. Do not place any targets outside of the designated target areas and make sure all targets are in front of their respective impact berm. Do not place any targets on top of the berm.
  12. The firing of any shotshell on the rifle range is prohibited.
  13. Be sure your firearm and ammunition are compatible.
  14. Shooters must always conduct themselves in a responsible and safe manner.

Outdoor Pistol Range Rules

  1. Eye and ear protection must be worn at all times.
  2. All projectiles fired on the outdoor ranges must come to rest on range property. Violation of this rule may result in immediate expulsion.
  3. Do not climb on the berms.
  4. The pistol ranges on the far east end of the property, adjacent to M&M Auto, are for weekend use only.
  5. Shooting hours are limited from sunrise to sunset. Some RCRC Board approved dim-light training is authorized, so long as the training concludes by 9:00 pm.
  6. Do not move beyond the firing line until the range is “all clear”.
  7. Place targets as close as possible to the impact berms.
  8. Do not fire into the range floor. Ricochets off the ground can leave the range.
  9. Do not fire at any angle where your rounds will not be captured by the berm.
  10. Shooting at anything other than wood, cardboard or paper is prohibited. Shooting at designated club-owned steel targets or bowling pins is permitted under club authorized IPSC, IDPA or similar sport shooting events or training for those events. Steel targets may also be used during organized law enforcement shoots, but only under the supervision of a P.O.S.T. or Federal Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor.
  11. Shooting junked vehicles, glass, televisions, computer monitors, cans, bottles or anything other than the targets listed above is strictly prohibited.
  12. Only pistols and rimfire rifles are authorized to be fired on the pistol range. No centerfire rifles or shotguns are authorized to be fired on the pistol range by the Club’s general membership. Shotgun and rifle training by law enforcement will be permitted on the pistol range only when conducted as department organized training under P.O.S.T. or Federal Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instruction.
  13. Full automatic weapons (any Class 3) are prohibited.
  14. Hang your targets in the center of the 4′ x 8′ plywood that is located in front of the impact berm. Avoid shooting the posts and cross members that hold the plywood.
  15. When arriving or departing range property, all shooters must keep their firearms unloaded and either cased or actions open. CCW holders and law enforcement officers are exempt.
  16. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction – either toward the ground or down range.
  17. Keep all firearms unloaded and actions open until on the firing line and ready to fire. No rounds will be in the chamber until ready to fire. Firearms can only be loaded on the firing line or in a designated safety area.
  18. Know how your firearm operates. If your firearm jams or misfires, keep the muzzle pointed down range until the weapon is cleared.
  19. Be sure your firearm and ammunition are compatible.

Indoor Range Rules

  1. The Indoor Range (IR) hours are 7:00AM to 10:00PM.
  2. You must review these procedures and rules & understand them before using the range without a Range Officer present.
  3. You must sign in and sign out each time you use the range.
  4. Calibers allowed in the IR:
    1. Any straight-walled center-fire pistol; no magnums;
    2. Any rim-fire handgun or rifle.
  5. No wadcutter type bullets allowed.
  6. Eye & ear protection must be worn at all times when the line is hot.
  7. Use the ventilation system at all times.
  8. Shoot from the tabled stations only.
  9. You must only fire down your lane.
  10. Paper or cardboard targets only.
  11. All rounds fired indoors must impact the bullet trap.
  12. Clean up and dispose of your brass.
  13. The door is kept locked at all times. New members will receive the door code with their emailed Welcome Packet after completing our Online Orientation.
  14. The basic procedure is “turn on the stuff as you go in, sign the sheet, shoot, sign out on the sheet, and turn off ventilation, heater and lights as you leave“. The light switches are obvious.
    1. In the shooting area, the heater thermostat is on the wall to the right (with you facing downrange), the timer for the heater is just to the left of that (as you stand in the far right lane).
    2. Make sure that when you leave, if you turned on the heater, that you turn it off.
    3. The ventilation system is on a timer too. That timer is directly to your left as soon as you enter the door into the shooting area.
  15. On the desk you may find a bin of assorted targets that are for sale; 3 smalls for $1.00 or 1 large for $1.00. Put your in the box or in the Guest Fee Box. If there is a stapler in the bin to use; please return the stapler to the bin when you are done.
  16. If no target backing is hanging from your return, please look to the right far corner for cardboard backings to use. DO NOT HANG YOUR TARGETS DIRECTLY FROM THE RETURNS WITHOUT A CARDBOARD BACKING.

Range Dog Rules

Dogs and hunting are a time-honored tradition that back to the dawn of man. A well trained dog under the control of a competent handler is a joy to behold.

Conversely, a poorly trained dog that runs wild and ignores the commands of his handler is annoying, frustrating, and at times dangerous.

Routt County Rifle Club allows dog owners to bring their dogs to the range, provided Rule 16 of the Shotgun Range Rules is followed: "Control your dog at all times - this is your responsibility."

What this means should be self-evident, but sadly a few dog owners are either ignorant of the meaning, or choose to ignore it. Here are some examples; if you are a dog owner, please read and reflect:

  • Dogs going downrange during a course of fire;
  • Dogs roaming around the five-stand or skeet ranges while shooting is underway;
  • Dogs jumping on people or vehicles;
  • Dogs pissing on the gun racks, or worse, shotguns in the gun racks;
  • Dogs barking or howling while shooting is underway;
  • Dogs roaming off to "visit" shooters at the rifle or pistol ranges.

If your dog is not behaving, train him better, put him in your vehicle, keep him on a short leash, or leave him at home.

In short, the privilege of bringing a dog to the range ends at the point where the dog is a nuisance to others.

Thank you for your understanding and compliance. When we work together for the common good, the Rifle Club is an enjoyable recreation location for all members.


Routt County Rifle Club

PO Box 773116

Steamboat Springs, CO 80477

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